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   Friendly Note:

     All technical data on the website is edited according experiment of occasion or library and report of our customer, it is impossible to include all possibility working condition , so we don’t assure the accommodated seal and working condition can completely satisfy the practice working condition. So, for special working condition and occasion, please contact our technical department to research specially.

     All pressure,temperature, speed and PH value display in this website is the max value of experiment, please pay attention to that because of manual restrict of each working parameter, the max value should be a little lower.

Application area >> Application in Air-Blower

Application in Air-Blower

There equipped BGM-P560, BIA series mechanical seals in Rochie Air-Blower

Equipped BGM split carbon sealing ring in high pressure centrifugal blower make it high efficeincy

pictures show




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Company Address:WuHan sale and technique support center:NO.28 Xiongchu Street  WuHan