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technique center >> Basic knowledge

mechanical seal basis

     Because of nice seal structure of mechanical seal,function tranquilization、few leak,low chafe cost,long use cycle,few fray for axis,can content manifold work condition,so abroad application.but structure is complex ,high manufacture precision,high prices,not convenience to maintenance.

    Element and composing:
    Mechanical seal has a other name is face seal,at least has pair seal is apeak rotate axis,the face under the action of  liquid pressure and expiation mechanical outside force(or magnetism) ,adding assistant seal cooperate,with another side face keep joint and comparatively sleek,consequently to avoid liquid leak out.Due to seal compactness joint, make a little clearance between seal and face.when medium through this clearance,form a thin liquid film, make resistance avoid leak,also lubricate face,achieve long seal effect.
    Basis compose:
    Station ring and rotate ring ,normally for rubbing side,also be called chafe assistant.
Based flexibility element 's reinforce cushion organization.
Assistant seal ring.
The part make rotate ring and axis rcircumrotate together.
   Classify the mechanical seal
Class by application:
Class by equipment :pump、kettle、centrifuge、blower、diving pump electrical machine,refrigerating machine,gas engine,cool water pump,pump at ship and other.
Class by work principle:
 How much pair of seal face:single seal,double seal,multi-seal.double seal can class as axis double seal and radial double seal.
Class by seal face liquid pressure can unload or can't unload:balanced,part balanced,unbalanced.
Class by stationary ring installed at seal face's inside or outside:inside install,outside install.
Spring setting in liquid is spring inside install ,other wise is out install .
Class by the spring number at compensate organization:single spring,multi-spring.
Class by flexibility element if rotate with axis:rotate seal static seal.
If seal liquid in seal face's leak direction is the same as axis rotate centrifuqal direction,the seal called inside flow ,or not is outside flow.
Class by if seal face contact directly:contact directly is contact seal ,or not is non-contact seal,also classify as liquid static pressure seal and liquid rotate pressure seal .
Class by if have bellows :bellows seal,non-bellows seal.bellows can classify as metal bellows,tetrafluoride bellows,rubber bellows.
Class by work condition:
High temperature mechanical seal,mid temperature mechanical seal,normal temperature mechanical seal and low temperature mechanical seal.
Class by seal box pressure:
Super high pressure,high pressure,low pressure,normal pressure,negative pressure work condition.
0.8,5,15mpa is normal boundary.
Class by speed:
Super high speed,high speed,mid speed,low speed condition,2,10,30,100m/s is normal boundary.
Class by medium's characteristic,has special seal.
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